From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
On 1/15/2024 9:40 PM, Ragnarok wrote:
To: kyonshi
now I only need to figure out why it still doesn't pull anything :)
in the end I realized I had a typo in the address of the server I was
trying to pull from. Sigh.
hi! what server are you using to pull news?
i switch from the "die" aioe to and
but seems to I get blocked via some policy .. because.. sometimes i connect and somethimes do not connect.
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In this case I am using, but I have it set to not connect more than 12 times a day, so I haven't actually encountered any
errors after fixing the typo (that I noticed). Also I have a specific
set of groups, many of which are basically dead anyway, so it's not like
I see so much happening out of the test groups.
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