• Sorry

    From neoshock@21:1/150 to All on Tue Aug 27 00:27:12 2024
    Hello all,
    Sorry for the triplicate post, had a little glitch.

    Lloyd (neoshock) sysop @ Vintage Pi BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Vintage Pi BBS vintagepi.asuscomm.com (21:1/150)
  • From Blue White@21:4/134 to neoshock on Tue Aug 27 08:56:15 2024
    Sorry for the triplicate post, had a little glitch.

    It only made it here once. ;)

    --- Talisman v0.53-dev (Linux/armv7l)
    * Origin: possumso.fsxnet.nz * telnet:24/ssh:2122/ftelnet:80 (21:4/134)