• GoldMine - Connecting from Synchronet BBS

    From Errol Casey@21:1/182 to All on Sat Aug 3 00:48:28 2024
    Thanks to echicken and JA for there help with
    figuring this out!

    NOTE: there are two hostnames involved with
    Gold Mine BBS goldminebbs.com and goldminedoors.com
    although obvious, they have different purposes and
    goldminebbs.com doesn't work for the DOOR -- LOL

    To connect to goldmine bbs door server

    Name or IP may be used:

    Port 2513 must be specified.

    Use rlogin in external program definition

    [tag] is a unique 3-character tag that identifies
    your bbs when your users connect.

    This will get you to the main menu

    ?rlogin.js -s [tag]%A -c %A

    This will quiet some of the output (about ctrl-] menu)

    ?rlogin.js -s [tag]%A -c %A -q

    To call a game directly
    ?rlogin.js -s [tag]%A -c %A -t xtrn=WORDLE -q

    Game CODE words can be found on the documentation site http://goldminebbs.com

    rlogin module is defined in the wiki https://wiki.synchro.net/module:rlogin
    %A is defined in the wiki https://wiki.synchro.net/config:cmdline


    Thank you JA for providing the Game Door Server!
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Too Lazy BBS - toolazy.ddns.net:2323 (21:1/182)