• For Honour

    From klunk@21:1/124 to All on Sun Aug 18 19:45:52 2024
    Hi all,
    It seems that For Honour doesnm't like me today. I have set the game up as per the included instuctions.

    My menu command in mystsic looks like this.

    (D3) Exec DOOR32 program c:\mystic\doors\fh\start.bat %Pdoor32.sys %3 %0

    And the start.bat file looks like this

    cd mystic\doors\fh
    ForHonour.exe %1 -N %2 -SOCKET %3
    ForHonour.exe maintenance
    cd c:\mystic
    mis poll 21:1/10

    When the menu option is selected nothing happens at all.Interbbs is turned off in the fh.ini file so I assume that the game should run as a local game.

    Could anyone who has this game set up for mystic give me any pointers to what is set wrong?

    ... I wish life had a scroll-back buffer.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Who Dares Wins Amiga BBS (21:1/124)
  • From Cozmo@21:3/135 to klunk on Mon Aug 19 08:11:33 2024
    Hi all,
    It seems that For Honour doesnm't like me today. I have set the game up
    as per the included instuctions.

    My menu command in mystsic looks like this.

    (D3) Exec DOOR32 program c:\mystic\doors\fh\start.bat %Pdoor32.sys
    %3 %0

    I believe you need to add a \ after the %P
    So it would be (D3) Exec DOOR32 program c:\mystic\doors\fh\start.bat %P\door32.sys %3 %0
    Hopefully that will do it for you.


    ... I think I am, therefore, I am... I think.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Lunatics Unleashed BBS (21:3/135)
  • From klunk@21:1/124 to Cozmo on Mon Aug 19 20:33:02 2024
    I believe you need to add a \ after the %P
    Hopefully that will do it for you.

    Found the error which was in the start.bat file.
    Game now runs and runs maintenance when it exits.

    Now having a thicker than a ticket touts wad moment as I have multiple files in my inbox that neither the game or mutil want to process. I assume that some of these files are for the game as they end in .FHR . The game states to check the readme file to get more info, yet the archive of the game that I have has no such file.

    Such a shame there is no comprehensive setup guide included with the game. Klunk

    ... How do I set my laser printer to stun?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Who Dares Wins Amiga BBS (21:1/124)