I think I may have gone overboard with pfsense, snort and pfblockerng-devel. Can anyone connect to shsbbs.net port 8080 with a secure websocket client?
I'm behind a VPN and I think one of the 3 may be blocking me because of that.
I can connect with a local ip, but not with the dns entry.
Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp,
,wss) (Ports 22,23,110,21,119,8080) (ssh login 'bbs' pass 'shsbbs').
*** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
* Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere
telnet://shsbbs.net (21:2/148)