• For those of you seeking aproachable games

    From Arelor@21:2/138 to All on Sun Aug 11 16:19:50 2024
    I might post a full review later, but anybody in this echo who wants to try some cheap casual game that does not depend too much on reflexes may like to give KKND2 (Krush, Kill 'n Destroy) a try.

    It is a traditional real time strategy game, but most missions feel like puzzles rather than "fights". For example, in one mission you might be required to scort a convoy of supply trucks through a map thick with enemy defenses, and you will have to figure out some trick to make it through. Or, in a different mission, you might be asked to destroy all the enemy fortifications, but they are placed in isolated areas loaded up with anti-aircraft defenses and the only way you have to move your troops up to them is using airtransportsd that will be destroyed as soon as you approach.

    Later levels are maybe a bit too hard for casuals, but I think with some persistence the game ought to be quite beatable.

    It is available on GOG.

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