• Re: Using Dos Comms Software with Lantronix UDS-10

    From mary4@21:1/166 to AKAcastor on Fri Jun 28 08:14:36 2024
    That's awesome, I've looked at mtcp a bit but I haven't been using it. The 286 from VCF SW sounds exciting! That was the recent VCF SW (2024)? How was it? I've never been to a vintage computing event, VCF SW looks like it would be pretty huge!

    it was FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!! :DD there was so much cool stuff there!! i bought 2 286 machines from there! <3

    I met many youtubers there and many people locally who has computers!! it was HUGE too it has many machines there and spanning like 2-4 buildings 2 buildings whas for machines on tables alone i saw amigas and PC XT 286 and even silicon graphics machines and even 5 lisas!! usagi electric was there!

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... DOS=HIGH? I knew it was on something...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to Spectre on Fri Jun 28 08:15:42 2024
    Mary mary quite contrary?
    There's something odd going on. I see you replying to a message I'm yet
    to see here.

    i am confused too

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. Asks: 'Can I join you?'

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to Vorlon on Fri Jun 28 09:52:42 2024
    Note: this message is aimed at guiding you and is not a personal attack
    on you. I have only spotlighted the swearing that is in most of your messages.

    ill stop.. im sorry! >-<
    ill stop swearing. i am just excited about vintage computing. im sorry again. i mean no harm

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... When all else fails, read the instructions

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to maple on Fri Jun 28 09:58:27 2024
    then let me add my two cents: i picked up on it simply as a mannerism (a "typing quirk" so to speak if you're of the persuasion of a particular webcomic) and wasn't bothered about it at all. if we're going to complain about what others on fsxnet are saying i'd much rather complain about the queerphobia i've experienced in my very first week here!

    oh it is a excitement quirk. im not being malicious. queerphobia? i dont seem to notice any?? tell me examples?

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... Error, no Keyboard - Press F1 to Continue.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to Vorlon on Fri Jun 28 10:01:50 2024
    Yeah, 99% of other messages in FSX net have no one swearing, yet this person's messages 99% of the time contain it.

    For everyone else. I swear myself in real life, but not when around other people or interacting online. For starters it show's a lack of courtsey towards someone else.

    i did not know again im sorry. i was just simply excited. i mean no harm

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... This virus requires Microsoft Windows 3.x

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From AKAcastor@21:1/162 to Mary4 on Thu Jun 27 17:05:56 2024
    it was FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!! :DD there was so much cool
    stuff there!! i bought 2 286 machines from there! <3

    Oh geez that's already two more 286 machines than I have and I am JEALOUS!

    I met many youtubers there and many people locally who
    has computers!! it was HUGE too it has many machines
    there and spanning like 2-4 buildings 2 buildings whas
    for machines on tables alone i saw amigas and PC XT 286
    and even silicon graphics machines and even 5 lisas!!
    usagi electric was there!

    That sounds wonderful. I knew it was big but that really does sound massive. Five Lisas in one place is something I for sure would not have expected! And you can't keep those Amiga demo people away from a gathering these days, they're everywhere! (and we love them) ;)

    I had to look up Usagi Electric, just started looking at their youtube channel and it looks good - thanks for the new channel to follow.


    --- Maximus 3.01
    * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - another.tel (21:1/162)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to Spectre on Fri Jun 28 10:28:50 2024
    It does get wearing after a while. If you're using it for effect on occasion well and good, but no need for excessive use.

    okay ill stop <3 thanks for telling me nicely

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... I don't have the time for a hobby. I have a computer.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to Spectre on Fri Jun 28 10:46:13 2024
    I would also... except F*** is my favorite word...

    Fork? Fortescue?? :P


    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... When all else fails, read the instructions

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to AKAcastor on Fri Jun 28 10:52:54 2024
    Oh geez that's already two more 286 machines than I have and I am

    That sounds wonderful. I knew it was big but that really does sound massive. Five Lisas in one place is something I for sure would not have expected! And you can't keep those Amiga demo people away from a gathering these days, they're everywhere! (and we love them) ;)

    i met the local Amiga group and i am interested in their group and wanted to join in as an appreciator of the Amiga
    AK> I had to look up Usagi Electric,
    just started looking at their youtube AK> channel and it looks good - thanks for the new channel to follow. AK>
    therre where also macintosh librarian, 8-bit guy, Adrian digital basement, and LGR where there! i might be in some of their videos ;) xD

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... Error, no Keyboard - Press F1 to Continue.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to AKAcastor on Fri Jun 28 10:54:24 2024
    Oh geez that's already two more 286 machines than I have and I am

    i forgot to reply here,

    16bit POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... This virus requires Microsoft Windows 3.x

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From kirkspragg@21:2/150 to mary4 on Thu Jun 27 18:14:31 2024
    buildings 2 buildings whas for machines on tables alone i saw amigas and PC XT 286 and even silicon graphics machines and even 5 lisas!! usagi electric was there!

    I am so jealous! It sounds like you had a great time!

    Those XT 286 machines a super rare... I'd love to get hold of one, but it would cost a small fortune & they don't exactly come up for sale often - It was basically luck on my part that I managed to get hold of an IBM 5160 complete with working green screen monitor from a local seller.

    ... Grassroots can grow through concrete

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to kirkspragg on Fri Jun 28 11:40:21 2024
    I am so jealous! It sounds like you had a great time!

    <3 i had a blast
    Those XT 286 machines a super rare... I'd love to get hold of one, but
    it would cost a small fortune & they don't exactly come up for sale
    often - It was basically luck on my part that I managed to get hold of
    an IBM 5160 complete with working green screen monitor from a local seller.

    i want an ibm&sega teradrive

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... My software never has bugs. It just develops random features...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From kirkspragg@21:2/150 to mary4 on Thu Jun 27 18:25:14 2024
    ill stop swearing. i am just excited about vintage computing. im sorry

    Personally I like seeing someone get excited about vintage computing, especially when they have the good taste to realize how awesome 286 PCs are..

    Though in saying that, I am eying up 386DX40 motherboard on ebay... I did own a 386DX40 for quite a while growing up so I wouldn't mind giving it another spin for nostalgia's sake.

    Probably wouldn't be on interested if I could get fastish 286 with decent EMS support (i.e. with NEAT chipset) so I can do fun things with desqview.. but those don't appear often & seem to go for a small fortune on ebay when they do. That or get one of the very rare EMS boards that can do full LIM 4.0 & backfill memory - also so I can do fun things with desqview.

    ... BORG MODEM: remote carrier assimilated

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to kirkspragg on Fri Jun 28 12:08:12 2024
    Personally I like seeing someone get excited about vintage computing, especially when they have the good taste to realize how awesome 286 PCs are..

    <3 <3 <3 <3 :3
    Though in saying that, I am eying up 386DX40 motherboard on ebay... I
    did own a 386DX40 for quite a while growing up so I wouldn't mind giving it another spin for nostalgia's sake.

    i should get a 386 system someday when i finish with cherry4 (this system)
    Probably wouldn't be on interested if I could get fastish 286 with
    decent EMS support (i.e. with NEAT chipset) so I can do fun things with desqview.. but those don't appear often & seem to go for a small fortune on ebay when they do. That or get one of the very rare EMS boards that
    can do full LIM 4.0 & backfill memory - also so I can do fun things with desqview.

    there is new EMS boards being made by lo-tech

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... Redundant book title: DOS For Dummies

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From Vorlon@21:1/196 to maple on Fri Jun 28 15:27:39 2024
    Hello Maple,

    On Tuesday June 25 2024, Maple said to Vorlon:

    If you and mary4 didn't publicly post that you are that way, then no
    one would have known, or frankly given a crap about it.

    (i never said anything about who mary4 is beside their typing

    No you didn't, but she has.

    i know we like to live in the past around these parts but don't ask
    don't tell was repealed in 2011

    That has nothing to do with what we are talking about. You both released
    that information with out anyone asking or guesing on anyones part.

    It's like walking down the street in a bright yellow rain coat yelling out. People are going to notice, verses just walking down the steet in the yellow rain coat.


    Rocking FSXnet with an Amiga 4000 and Zeus BBS.

    --- Zeus BBS 1.5
    * Origin: -:-- Dragon's Lair --:- dragon.vk3heg.net Prt: 6800 (21:1/196.0)
  • From Vorlon@21:1/196 to Spectre on Fri Jun 28 15:38:22 2024
    Hi spec,

    On Wednesday June 26 2024, Spectre said to Vorlon:

    Yeah, 99% of other messages in FSX net have no one swearing, yet this
    person's messages 99% of the time contain it.

    It does get wearing after a while. If you're using it for effect on occasion well and good, but no need for excessive use.

    That's why I brought it up.

    For everyone else. I swear myself in real life, but not when around
    other people or interacting online. For starters it show's a lack of

    Its rare I break out the swearing, usually something has to have gone catastrophically wrong, like I've stuck my foot in the lawn mower again. (Side note: I've never stuck my foot in the mower). Or something equally painful and depressing. Otherwise you devalue the use of the word

    Yep... Been there done that (Not the foot in the mower).... #-(

    I'll discourage swearing for the sake of swearing here.

    There is just no need for it.


    Rocking FSXnet with an Amiga 4000 and Zeus BBS.

    --- Zeus BBS 1.5
    * Origin: -:-- Dragon's Lair --:- dragon.vk3heg.net Prt: 6800 (21:1/196.0)
  • From Vorlon@21:1/196 to mary4 on Fri Jun 28 15:47:38 2024
    Hello Mary4,

    On Friday June 28 2024, Mary4 said to Vorlon:

    Note: this message is aimed at guiding you and is not a personal
    attack on you. I have only spotlighted the swearing that is in most of
    your messages.

    ill stop.. im sorry! >-< ill stop swearing. i am just excited about vintage computing. im sorry again. i mean no harm

    You can be all excited until the sun comes up in the morning #-).
    We all get excited about our "reto" hobbies and computers. That is why we
    are here. I was just asking for the comminities sake that you refraim from
    the swearing part.

    No one has stopped writing to you, so the experiance of the comminity is
    still there, and will contine to be.


    Rocking FSXnet with an Amiga 4000 and Zeus BBS.

    --- Zeus BBS 1.5
    * Origin: -:-- Dragon's Lair --:- dragon.vk3heg.net Prt: 6800 (21:1/196.0)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to Vorlon on Fri Jun 28 16:23:37 2024
    You can be all excited until the sun comes up in the morning #-).
    yay! <#
    We all get excited about our "reto" hobbies and computers. That is why we are here. I was just asking for the comminities sake that you refraim
    from the swearing part.

    i just have severe turama about being oustrisized from communities i am a part of. it has lead me into psychosis. .... thanks for not outcasting me.

    Vo> No one has stopped writing to you,
    so the experiance of the comminity is Vo> still there, and will contine to be. Vo>

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... Some people have no idea what they're doing, and are really good at it!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)
  • From kirkspragg@21:2/150 to mary4 on Fri Jun 28 03:36:20 2024
    system) there is new EMS boards being made by lo-tech

    Unless something has changed recently, the lo-tech EMS boards don't support backfill memory. Also my current 286 hates 8 bit cards, I suspect thats
    another bios bug. Maybe I should look for another 20Mhz 286 board.... or consider using a different bios.

    Do you use desqview on you 286es? How do you have it setup?

    ... "The death ray looks meekly on..." -- Tom Servo

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From Spectre@21:3/101 to kirkspragg on Fri Jun 28 23:27:00 2024
    I suspect thats another bios bug. Maybe I should look for another
    20Mhz 286 board.... or consider using a different bios.

    Got nothing to lose by trying an alternate BIOS. I used to swap AMI into most boards with something else. Never saw a board that would complain with an odd BIOS replaced in it. I'd even just collect the odd dead mobo with them
    for parts. Of course you could also harvest oscillators for overclocking,
    and for Apple II accelerator cards. :)


    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    --- SuperBBS v1.17-3 (Eval)
    * Origin: A camel is a horse designed by a committee. (21:3/101)
  • From Spectre@21:3/101 to kirkspragg on Fri Jun 28 23:29:00 2024
    Do you use desqview on you 286es? How do you have it setup?

    You'd use it very slowly I imagine :P

    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    --- SuperBBS v1.17-3 (Eval)
    * Origin: A camel is a horse designed by a committee. (21:3/101)
  • From maple@21:1/215 to Vorlon on Fri Jun 28 18:07:37 2024
    i am so sorry to you for me being visibly queer. deal

    |08- |05maple "|13mavica|05" syrup |07(|10byte/byteself|07 or it/its)

    ... (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with large hammer.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Retro32 BBS (21:1/215)
  • From mary4@21:1/166 to kirkspragg on Wed Jul 3 00:59:03 2024
    Unless something has changed recently, the lo-tech EMS boards don't support backfill memory. Also my current 286 hates 8 bit cards, I
    suspect thats another bios bug. Maybe I should look for another 20Mhz
    286 board.... or consider using a different bios.

    ohh yeah :/
    good luck finding one.... the mobo that is

    Do you use desqview on you 286es? How do you have it setup?
    i just use freedos 1.3 command.com

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... A PC a day keeps the Apple away!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet://datanetbbs.net:23 (21:1/166)