• Visited the last Blockbuster Video store

    From Nightfox@21:1/137 to All on Mon Jun 10 10:31:15 2024
    This past weekend, my wife and I were in Bend, Oregon. Before we left, we visited the last Blockbuster Video store, which is located there.

    I thought it was cool to see. We bought a couple shirts, and I also bought a blu-ray of their Last Blockbuster documentary.


    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Digital Distortion: digdist.synchro.net (21:1/137)
  • From Ogg@21:4/106.21 to Nightfox on Tue Jun 11 23:51:00 2024
    Hello Nightfox!

    This past weekend, my wife and I were in Bend, Oregon. Before
    we left, we visited the last Blockbuster Video store, which
    is located there.

    I thought it was cool to see. We bought a couple shirts, and
    I also bought a blu-ray of their Last Blockbuster

    Found the full documentary on YT. It was very entertaining. A
    great set of people interviewed and sharing their stories. Fun
    to watch them all. Thanks for mentioning it.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: Ogg's WestCoast Point (21:4/106.21)